Home > May was Expensive

May was Expensive

June 7th, 2022 at 02:43 pm

May is always a very expensive month for us and this year was no exception.

In a normal year, we have two birthdays, mother's day, an anniversary, and the end of the school year. This year we added an out-of-state wedding that included an out-of-state bridal shower the week before, and a high school graduation.

This month showed me more than anything else how we have been living outside of our means! Even with all the added expenses, we were able to decrease our debt and cash flow all of our extra expenses, which were many!

Our billing cycle on our credit card doesn't close until closer to mid-month, but so far we have decreased our debt by $1400 (before interest) this month and still have one paycheck left to go that has money budgeted towards debt. In addition to that, we cash flowed two hotel stays ($520) and food for 70 people and decorations for The Son's graduation party ($500). To be fair, The Husband did have some overtime on his last paycheck that helped us from having to dip into savings, but it was only about $300.

The Husband's next paycheck will actually have a lot of overtime. Almost all of it is allocated to go towards debt. I should be getting a small "extra services" paycheck in a few days. So far, the money is unallocated because I have no idea how much it will be. We are thinking of splitting it 50/50 between debt and savings.

I am very excited we were able to pay all of our bills, cash flow all our extra expenses, and decrease our debt. Hopefully, we can keep the momentum going!

2 Responses to “May was Expensive”

  1. Amber Says:

    Way to go on decreasing your debt and cash flowing things, that’s a huge win.

  2. Honey Says:

    Cash Flowing is amazing, nice job! I, for one, thought this was going to be a nice, quiet, inexpensive year, and wouldn't you know... first granddaughter turns one, daughter is getting married next month and is expecting her first baby (that makes two grand daughters for me!), and so many other small things... LOL. I love it when life laughs in my face. Also, your May sounds like my December. 3 birthdays, anniversary, Christmas, etc.

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